Vrakdykning i världsklass!


Östersjöns låga salthalt och syrenivåer gör att både trä- och stål bevaras väl under ytan. Detta samt en unik dyklagstifting gör att vraken på Åland är något mycket speciellt som kan upplevas på väldigt få platser runt om i världen!

Vi satsar på en helhetsupplevelse med kunden i fokus. Ni kan boka både boende samt dykning via oss. Vi erbjuder även ribturer ut i den vackra Åländska skärgården.


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3 days ago

Baltic Scuba
A nice day with flat sea and a nice dive on the bark Sverre, great meeting some of the tall ships that are here for the race. See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Baltic Scuba
Today we had some wind, but we did two dives on Plus and some BBQ in the surfaceinterval. Divers happy with big smiles after the dives makes us happy! ☀️🇦🇽🐳 See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Baltic Scuba
Our gas supplier keeps a good stock of helium och oxygene for divers for us, extra great is the 300bar helium that makes topp offs easy. See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Baltic Scuba
We had great days at sea last week, mostly like this but also ”a touch” of wind. Thanks to all divers that joined us and the wrecks of Åland! See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Baltic Scuba
Season is up an running, we have some ledgendary finnish divers from the Badwanne group enjoying our wrecks. You could think we just drink coffee when divers are in the water, but we have control and we see them on the ecosounder. In one of the pictures you see the wreck and 3 teams at 21, 18 and 9meters on their decompression. Best respons of happy divers is ”we book the same weekend next year again”. Thanks for some great days! See MoreSee Less
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